Patch Note 58 [Character Balance]


Staff member
Apr 8, 2023
Reaction score
Takes the last update from the original Korean version

character balance

[Developer comment]

Hello , dragons !

A new ' Hero Skill - Ancient Power ' has been added with the ' Ark of the Ancients ' update .

Existing hero skills are uniquely structured skills that collect and use gauges during battle , and were designed to create a new flow in battle .

However, due to the long frame, directing the camera , and difficulties in acquiring the gauge, it was not being used sufficiently in battle when needed .

We improved the parts that the heroes felt uncomfortable with, and this time, we introduced them to the heroes under the name of a new hero skill - Ancient Power .

First of all , the camera directing and long frames have been improved so as not to interrupt the flow of battle as much as possible .

We have also relaxed the conditions for obtaining the Hero Skill Gauge so that you can use it when necessary to deliver a powerful blow .

In addition, in line with this “ Ark of the Ancients ” update, it has been renovated with new visuals ,

For a description of Hero Skill – Ancient Power, please check the patch notes below .

Thank you !

◆ Hero Skill - Ancient Power

• Hero skills of heroes who have met all specific conditions are changed to ancient power skills .
• Previously acquired hero skills have been strengthened , so previous hero skills are no longer used .
• Specific Conditions: Complete [ Ancient Power ] Remote Quest while learning existing hero skills.

◆ UI

• I think you must have felt frustrated because the UI of existing hero skills did not convey intuitive information in various battlefields where heroes are active .
To avoid experiencing the same inconvenience, the hero skill – ancient power gauge display UI has been improved to match the concept of the ancients' ark .


[ current]

◆ Skill production and action changes

• In addition, in the actual game environment, the part that you would have felt uncomfortable ,
In order to deliver a better feeling of use, changes have been made to the direction and action of the skill .

• Excessive camera staging and long action frames have been drastically reduced .
However, the unique specifications of hero skills that could be used at any time were maintained .


[ current]

• We look forward to making your battles a little more pleasant and splendid through changes in the action and direction of all characters, including Wie Defensio !

◆ Gauge Acquisition

• The next part to be guided is about acquiring gauges .
• Hero Skill – Ancient Power can be used through a gauge obtained by using the character's 5 main skills .
• All characters will be able to acquire gauges while using various skills , along with resolving the inconvenience of characters who had difficulty acquiring gauges.

◆ Other

• The last thing I would like to inform you about is the part about growth that comes with the addition of ' ancient dragon jade ' .
• As the ' ancient dragon jade ' grows , the skills of the warriors will also grow to be of greater help .
• Please check the ' Ancient Dragon Jade ' patch notes for details .
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